My take on a couple of fervent religious things.
There is not question that many individuals with the name of Iosephus and variations of the present translation of the name Jesus lived in the area were the stories attributed to him in the Bible. We know that the present interpretation of the life of such individual has not much relation to historic documentation. We also know the Bible as we know it today was lastly compiled in ten principal and different formats. The earliest Catholic codification of texts was done by the Roman codification of popular texts of 325 which basically was a coordinated political project.
Its purpose was to control the Near East and undermine the control of the Judaic elites. Four more codifications and text alterations occurred when the Koran appeared. By 780 was understood and rightly perceived by the Christian elites in the Middle East, the Koran was as a serious threat to their control. The Koran competed with the capacity to incite blind passion, as the Christians were, and challenge the power of the elites ruling from Constantinople. Thus, initiating the next emergent need for a new codification of biblical texts -first time referred as such in 750 ad- to “create military enforcement of expansion and defense of power.”
The corruption in the western-Christian church organization was rampant it was in the verge of self-destruction.
It wasn't until new threats mainly from Martin Luther, the church’s own corruption, it basically questioned the Church of Rome own dogma. It forced the council Trent to be called with the emperor sending delegates to represent the crown rights and avoid a war of power.
The justification of the many deviant behaviors exercised under the bible scripts were stripped, all changes to counter attack the powers emanating from new threats, internal corruption and land ownership- and external from the Turks under the flag of Islam.
In the air was the full question of how to use the bible. In a rough translation from the Enciclopaedia Catolica reads "It was determined that the Bible should be interpreted according to the unanimous testimony of the Fathers and never misused for superstitious or deviant purposes. Nothing was decided in regard to the translation of the Bible in the vernaculars."
It should be obvious that all religious books and interpretations are human in purpose and destiny.
It makes the Bible another human crafted document for control of social behavior. Most religious dogmas if implemented in honesty create a leveled equalitarian societies of respect referred as Christian societies. It has nothing to do with present pervert interpretation of the biblical texts.
It wasn't until 1562 that most of the present behavioral doctrines were adopted. It is agree among philosophers of power, that religion is a useful social tool of control, as is control over dogma, education, health, policing, taxation and armed power supporting the elites to control and wage wars of expansion with the purpose of exploiting the conquered.