Bankers keep their robbers inside their combination safe and those who do not fit inside where sent to be employed in government posts.
Working people have lost another 3.5% of income, but the top 1% has gained 4.7%.
The level of employment has been nil, mostly the statistical reporting continues to "cook and bake" the data to make it look "decent", albeit its indecency.
Elected officials continue to borrow like drunk sailors, and the tea party goers seem to have stop drinking tea but keep enjoying their fallacies and delusions.
Obama has proven to himself a failure, he now admits he could become a one-termer president. He understands his lauded promises turned out so far to be nothing, empty rhetoric like his predecessor, proven to be "same old, same old", in fact it seems many now think president Obama has managed to improve his predecessor incompetence.
Two books appeared this year with the same title "Aftershock" one from former secretary of labor Mr. Reich and the other by economists Wiedemer's brothers, both worth reading.
Overall nothing has change.
If there is one book for your 2012 list consider Prof. Jeffrey Sachs latest "The Price of Civilization" he does not take a political stance, the book is a wake-up call via in-depth analysis of the state of the country, offering solutions to complex problems.