In fact, good governments create good jobs.
The US with a superior educational system until the 80's hired very smart and able people to run tasks in its government that are complex and necessary for any society to function, in addition to operate at a global leadership level.
Still, today, the US government creates jobs, good jobs, but at a much smaller rate and in smaller fields of reach, like National Institute of Health or the National Science laboratories, and many other worthy entities, not yet destroyed.
When people get ticked-off about government overruns and other mismanagement blunders, what is left of the story is that those projects are outsourced to private companies, and politicians who scream the loudest about the blunder are the ones who allow those corporations to run amok and cover-up for them when the corporations rob the public treasure. Funny how hollow we are in reporting.
The National Institute of Heath, is a great example of government excellence. The VA Hospital system, maybe the best government run health system in the world, until politicians started to eliminate benefits for bounded veterans and its families, by under funding the VA system. So much for pandering to soldiers, chant them as heroes in all campaign speeches and forget about them when they wounded or in need help.
As politicians legislated and destroyed -by outsourcing government functions- jobs, the quality and decline of the educational system followed step by step.
You can thank for the destruction of social quality, now claimed to be some kind of worthy philosophy, Reaganomics. What this philosophy is, it is a bunch of propagated social fallacies, accepted in the politicians -democrats and republicans- corporatocracy rules of politics, that they claim to create healthy economics by each president since Ronald Reagan; nothing is more of lie. None of the two parties escape the big lies, democrats and republicans are as false as their ideas. Today, more radicalized advocates for smaller role of government are louder and more efficient. The problem with the idea is that it misses some components, that is, smaller is OK but it should also include smarter and competitive and well remunerated.
The advocates of the Reaganomics philosophy think that by eliminating government, the interstate highway system will be pay by Nebraskans or Okies, who received from the central government -they want to eliminate more than 20% of their unfair share of taxes- so they can have highways worth of riding, maybe they prefer to go back to dirt roads and schools with no heat, and educate kids only until 11 grade. One has to wonder what kind of screamers are those!
Political demagogues have grown their radicalism to extremes that are unhealthy, to have a healthy country. If a new debate and some strong positions are not taken, been ranked 29 in education worldwide will be an achievement and the ride towards lower quality so far is guaranteed.
The US started to destroy its educational system with President Reagan, today we have politicians with ridiculous demagoguery, the include statements such as the elimination of the US Department of Education. I assume its substitute will the department of idiots. Those screaming the elimination of central agencies, what they are saying is something much different. What they cry is about is simple, get rid of the people who do not look like me, if what it takes is falling behind as a country, who cares we are still "number one", the question is at what "we are number one"?
Bomb throwing and war mongering for sure.