We cannot look at the entropy of each action and expect to collect positive results by sitting at the side-line. We must become leaders of our own good.
Looking at the grandiose temple of Artemis we might continue to be mesmerized as Ephesians. But do not be deceive. We need to take a look at the hortatory efforts of people like Deepak Chopra and many others and act upon their messages. Reach Deepak thoughts at http://www.intentblog.com
My principal focus here is to help you become proactive with your vision and call to action. We need to constantly envision a better way.
Direct anyone who wants to take action at any level. By applying consistent actions and have the tools to participate in the democratic process. The ideal would be if we achieve primus inter pares by taking a few simple actions.
I do not want any one to become short-winded while taking on the chore or following instructions.
First, anything you do is more than doing nothing. The next action you take has improved your prior action by 100%. If you reach 100% improvement, face sunward and delight yourself.
Second, you are not alone, like you many want to do something. There are millions of people that feel the same than you feel and they are prime ready looking for you, look for them. You need to start to somewhere, try first www.dfa.meetup.com you might be able to find people around you that are already moving forward. If this group might not tantalize you, keep looking, or build your own.
Third, the most important tools you have are your vote and your opinion. Make both count, your opinion by writing at your local editor and second following with your vote at the urns. Get a calendar of elections at your local County Board of Elections. It is easy to find your Board of Elections in the internet and the phone book. If you feel heroic, ask at the Board of Elections for a list or CROM disk of party registration in your town. It will throw you back around $15 dollars or three lattes. You can get all the people that vote like you do and contact them with your action idea. To write letters to the editor or articles follow http://www.blogforamerica.com if you cannot find it there you are in the wrong place.
Fourth, take a step forward. Understand the importance how to help one local election at the time. You will learn many things by volunteering locally. You will find it enlightening. It will change the country one citizen at the time. As Senator Moniham said “all politics is local” and that’s means YOU getting involved locally. I will suggest start by getting involved in supporting a local candidate actively even if it is for local library board to learn the ropes, and get involved to town level. You can dedicate as little as you want, but your candidate will embrace anything you can do for the campaign. After you participate, you will find out how much heart and dedication candidates put in getting elected. You will gain respect for their efforts. You find out how hard is to gain one vote.
Fifth, take the next step and find a grassroots training program. I suggest you start by checking out the most approachable program at present time is at http://www.democracyforamerica.com/training.php
Sixth, have a plan for change, your plan will drive change. Stay focus, give it time, and you will see results.
Seventh, the lucky number, You already have succeed by reading all the way to here. Good luck and follow your path.
Thank you for your help building democracy one citizen at the time.
I will be reproached for using “all links” to Democracy for America web sites. I will accept the punishment. If it can help you find a path to action this is a way to start and you will find your best fit with time. The fact is that they have the most proactive web site with the most active community around without falling into fallacies and preaching.
With intent and energy,
Deepak Chopra blog: http://www.intentblog.com
Democracy for America: http://dfa.meetup.com/
Training Program: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/training.php
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