In early 2002 when the drums of war were directed towards Iraq, many arguments were made today most proved wrong or decimated by comparable measures.
I usually provide the argument, when discussing of people deaths in concrete killing. Is the killing of people is about the quality or the quantity of the kill? Who are we to measure that Godly and tragic event?
There is a big difference in the approach one is quantitative the other is qualitative and both are related to humans actions and does not matter the perpetrator. It is not impossible to asses who is a good killer and who is a bad killer in the face of religion. The act is solid and carries no counter-argument.
We can take religions and as a simple example the self indulgence, in catholic law ten commandments is considered the supreme law. The rules were given to Moses to comply and pass along to its followers. In the most ancient text of these rules they have no caveats for human interpretation and was said not to be interpreted by humans or altered by humans. The rules in case of human interpretation, those rules will become unfit to be Godly. For centuries after the first document was accepted humans have found ways to unfit those rules by building caveats and convenient interpretations. I will challenge anyone who is familiar with the commandments to randomly choose three of them and write below them accepted interpretations. For Example: Thou should no kill.
Does any one who kills be a Christian no following of the laws of God?
Once we crossed the threshold of justifications, we bias the fact. Thus knowingly we manipulate by convenience the event of killing. This is a normal procedure of self-justification, convenient and self exculpatory. It is the old rhetoric at work. We will not find many incarcerated folks that will admit any wrong doing. We might not find many killers no finding a good justification for their action at the time of kill.
Being true to my own knowledge, I can assert a few things in my spiritual being, one is that I can support killing and also I can support no killing. But I will not fail in the hypocrite camp and call myself something I am not and support killing.
When the drums were already aligned by Colin Powell in the UN and the attack in the land of Iraq was imminent I made the following commentary:
“ If the neo-cons are going to bring death, destruction, obliteration of towns with depleted uranium bombs, bring back home thousands of maimed young volunteers, they better plan for the best. This is the time to show the world that not only bombs are going to be dumped by the thousand and thousand will be killed because interests of corporations are superior to interest of humans, but we are also going to rebuild Iraq to become an example of intellectual power, superior economic standing, Towns that Iraqis will be in awe, schools and museums to envy its neighbors, have such superior capacity to make Iraqis proud of this invasion; that is going to put the fear of their own people into those dictators that are under the same spade of Damocles that Iraqis were under Saddam. The day after the fall of Baghdad and it will fall Baghdad, an edit calling for full employment of Iraqis via job centers, focused to build hosing for all Iraqis with local materials, using local know-how of craftsmanship teams all paid in dollars at 20% above prevalent salaries. This presently exist and most structures will survived
If we do not fail to neglected and engage ourselves in continued bombing. By making Iraq such example, the president should make a national call for volunteers to ask for two million people to go to Iraq and build the most unique process ever seen. Nothing less, will evolve into a long a possible self destructive and new form dictators looking for revenge under the wraps of the war, time will tell but the signs of the paths we take today will the judge in time. Time will judge us all and our actions.”
Today, I can say we have fought a war in the cheap, but still have time to correct some of the mistakes, and made proud on our actions. I do not see the will to accomplish it, we are too wrapped up in mediocrity, a simple adjective to define the present process: we are Walmartized.
Every day the cheapest product, with the cheapest labor, with the poorest quality.
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