It is easy to blame some else for your problems, that does no remove the problem from being your own big problem.
That is what is happening with the US economy.
Yesterday, the new appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Mr. Bernanke was grilled with questions about the upcoming reckoning day for the US economy.
As it was Mr. Bernanke fault that Congress controlled by industrialists, that includes all republicans and 90% of democrats, are running the biggest deficit in history and the most hypocritical behavior since Louis XVII France.
The US deficit is alarming to say the least, to compare, with half of the present deficit in percentage points to the economy, the present US deficit, the IMF and WB cut funds to Argentina and created the Argentina crisis. So imagine, we had the balls to go to Argentina to create the biggest economic disaster in Latin America that has created the biggest trend of animosity against the US and here we are today running twice the amount of deficits and external debt and calling it solid. Go figure who is going to trusts the US next.
Today, the IMF and the WB of the US are China and in far away second India. Our total ppool of lenders 2.3 billion people.
The trade deficits with China and the fact that China has become the controlling interest of US holdings, at the present pace China is creating as much power over US policy as the IMF and the WB has over the rest of poor countries.
If you think this is far fetched, read the transcripts of the congressional hearings on the economy and trade, some members of Congress Republican and Democrats are crying foul for the upcoming reckoning.
The decline of the US currency is the firsts signal, the dollar had to be devaluated because the buyers of dollars agree that it was not worth 50% of what it was selling. Do you think America is worth 50% less of what it was worth four years ago? Or your work should have 40% less value? For that matter anything in your live that you transact with dollars is worth 40% less today than 5 years ago. Not a material reality to forget. Check the value of the always mocked Canadian dollar, from where we buy our oil or the value of the English Pound from where we clear all our insurance money.
Sooner or later, and in terms of concrete dates runs between 10 to 25 years, the US will become a third tier economy, based on the fed own research, this reality is approaching. Are you ready for this reality?
If you decide to blame, you have no much room accomplish anything substantial.
The action driven blame game can start by getting rid of incumbents in Congress, usually dramatic change creates wealth. Find a challenger to any elected incumbent and volunteer or fund the individual even if you think philosophical is opposite to your views. Some times changes has very interesting outcomes.
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