One of the first things one learns after receiving pay check as employee or business owner is that it has a finite number on the amount to be enjoy it. Usually, this amount is smaller than one hopes, thus we smartly learn to plan around this number, consequently the birth of our fiscally conservative and responsible behavior.
Now, 49% of Americans are imprudently using credit above their capacity to repay it in a prudent manner, and institutions with the alliance of lawmakers –republicans and democrats alike- enact laws allowing the debtor to increase their debt and guarantee the lender their risk.
Is that a fiscally conservative idea or is a risky liberal idea.
The funny thing if that hose driven by political demagoguery fail in the camp of so called fiscal conservatives, while the latest research on personal debt holders claims that 82% of those in default of personal debts call themselves conservatives. My first reaction was wow hypocrites, followed by “wow” liberalization of capital is been taken by the horns by imprudent conservatives thus lefties must be very smart prudent in fiscal matters.
I think the last statement is been proven correct by the present Washington crowd, from the largest deficit in the history of the country to the largest expenditures and indirect taxation ever and increase of federal imbalances.
So it is time for fiscal responsible folks to start to teach Washington a couple of lessons on fiscal responsibility and start to demand lower direct and indirect taxes.
The first thing is comes to mind is communication taxes. All taxes that arrive in your phone bill should be abolished. The government should take responsibility for people’s safety from the federal budget by supporting a national 911 service.
Next month read your phone bill, sum the amounts you pay in taxes for those services, let’s act and repel all communication taxes.
The second immediate tax to abolish should be all related to travel as for airport and airline taxes or gasoline taxes. In today’s world traveling as communicating is not a luxury it is a necessity, thus taxes are to be repeal in those activities, all the allocations should be planned from the general budgets from the states of federal government.
If you add the costs of those two taxes you are getting tripled taxed in those items by around 140%.
Some might oppose cutting taxes for some reason or another, the facts sustain that transportation and communication taxes should be totally eliminated. If you think like I do, call your elected officials, write a letter to the editor, let your opinion be known to others and we might be able to start to repeal some of those taxes that affect most of working Americans.
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