The latest empty blaming idea for democrat’s self-flagellation is “the democrats lost because they did not move to the center that is where the country is.”
“Ya’ll knaw wa! Ain’t na centa!”
As a simple exercise let’s measure center using alphabet from a-to-z.
The classic linear description looks as “abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwyz” and the center will be around “lmn” now if we decided, the measure should start at “lmn” this is what the Democratic Leadership council advocates at the helm Joe Lieberman, Bill Clinton and now join by the New Democrats lead by Simon Rosenberg. They want to move the yard stick to the right extreme. That’s their choice and why most people think the democrats are republican light. Following the extremist advocated argument, the center is not “lmn” the center shifts starting at the right of “lmn” their center is now “rst” at best if not at “uvw” which is a totally different language, a totally different set of altered values, and very dangerous place to be if we measure anything in life in such extremes. The progressive majority must proof to have the backbone to get involved and work towards the real center or we just decide extremists must reign unaccountable, and the regressives must rule.
Choices are made with actions, making every vote count and get others votes to count equally is essential, held elected folks accountable and uncover the corrupt polices and stop the class war fare weighted by the elite republicans and democrats alike towards the rest of the citizens.
We can be in the center or in the extreme of centers. The choice is ours, each one of us needs to speak up to move it where advancement takes place or regress to the extremes. The consequences although no obvious at naked eye, they are dangerous. History is not kind when people is blinded by extremists.
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