Solidly speaking Mr. Newt Gingrich asserts: "People will do better if they put their social security taxes, in private accounts."
To support his social security strategy he claims: “If you put those Social Security dollars in the stock market you will receive an average of 5%.”
Caveat emptor, that’s just an average, out of someone’s sleeve based in some portfolio theory. The key word is “theory” no a fact.
The actual average after inflation for a basket of investments, as the deconstructionists propose, is less than 2.9% considering the past as a solid proof of the future.
If anyone finds me a mutual fund or any other investment that says: past performance is an indication of future results, pronto call me. I need some hedging, for the present risk. If you are a speculator and, lucky enough to start to collect money as a secure investment after you give your money to those private accounts, beware of the dogs and hidden fees, if it is too good to be true, most likely is not that good.
These charges of Social Security returns are into the future, the risk is inherent to major fluctuations. Remember 2000, the 50% decline in the stock market of the bond market melt down what about those 2.5% treasuries. By the way there is not free open market for bonds, or Treasuries. So how do I get those 5% reinvested: no from 5% annual fees at managed funds, no at a market risk of 37% as it is now, no from the present laws and proposed solutions.
Mr. Newt can you insure me that 5%?
If someone guarantees via a national policy those 5% after taxes and fees returns, then we are talking money. Without that we are talking pilfering scheme. Welcome Mr. Ponzi!
Well, I am willing to hear soemthing cretive, if Mr. Newt and his cohorts support legislation that secures a 5% return no matter what the crooks walking up and down Wall Street, including, corrupt CEO’s and other thieves that plunder hard working dollars from most people, do with the trusted money.
I most likely support the cut of forced taxes into social security if he crosses for once the line and supports a balanced policy for small investors.
If Mr. Newt and his compadres, include legislation that respects people’s assets, punish those that rob from people’ investment, similarly to, the way punish thieves in stores. Then we have a starting point. As stablsihed right ow we backrubbing laws, that's not encouraging, to take further step.
At the end of the day folks that improperly manage and out right rob money from people’ accounts should pay even a large price for their malfeasant behavior. Now we have the slap in the arm offer by a system run by their buddies. We need the buddy system out (nepotism) we need capitalism in. All this offer looks to me more of a Marxist proposal than a betterment of society. I will support all this deconstructionist views of the present system if it includes strong individual support laws.
If they support legislation that restitutes to society the cost incurred, as the damage above mentioned crooks have done, and restitution of costs ineherent to rebuild the social cost, still is a maybe for me. This legislation of support to individuals should include the cost to restitute tax payers from the crooks costs while on jail, the cost to service the courts, the full restitution to the legitimate owners of the capital destroyed, and a full disgorgement from those in trust or employee that are found or agreed to, in back room deals, no to be prosecuted and claim no wrong doing.
Less thatn this kind of support to individuals is a continuation of class warfare from the industrialist, political and intellectual elites to destroy the assets of most Americans.
I support Mr. Newt's views if he supports everybody, not only a very few already very well off and ready to plunder our money with dark fees and market manipulations, where the turth is more difficult to encounter than an octopus in Central Park.
Let’s be realistic a combination of bonds, stocks and treasuries, no one can guarantee 5% return no even 1% or even negative 20%.
I will be waiting for Mr. Newt and his Politburo to find anyone, for that matter anyone else interested , who has a guarantee on returns, I am willing open consideration of this too white-lily solution. In the mean time all this smells another Enron deed.
We will be extraordinarily better if the government takes the forced social security taxes, administer in the open market via a government agency that is accountable to all citizens with real assets that produce market returns. For example real accountable enterprising in the likes of Freddy Mac, in which individuals have seats in the board of directors and set the management accountable and share responsibility of those assets. With strict accountability procedures, fair pay to employees and a Board of Directors with term limits and management rotation. I am more comfortable with real assets, than with “wet paper” from Wall Street.
Where is the 5% Mr. Newt?
I forced myself to fund my own pension plan, because the harsh realization of a weak social structure, riddled with over taxation targeted to the mid and lower income earners, with a future retirement years, looking darker that I wanted to live. I found it to be no far from slave live of endless hours of work that deteriorated quality of life and eliminate joyous hours of family life, to save for a good future, to be no a fair solution for living in a super economy.
Considering the amount of taxes that I pay I expected a better cushion as a member of an advanced society. I do not expect dollars from the Social Security system to be a panacea, but many compatriots are not as lucky as I was during my working life, and social security income should be to provide above decent end years on life.
The dismantling the present system can create the largest pool of poor citizens in the western world and its consequences are not pleasant.
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