A Better Alternative to Mediocrity
I will not engage the dialogue by giving into a Straussian view of the need for deception to justify any mean to support the rationality of elitism. The funny thin is that most people feel that they are elite of something, when in reality elite means a total different status.
Thus, the need for a harder look to where are we going as a people and country.
We must start to learn to ask for better structures, from better roads to better food. We might get cheap import products. That does not mean progress, its present meaning is cheaper product with a below average quality, progress means a better product with improve quality at a cheaper price. We need to start to wake up before is too slate and start to demand better ways all around, and question every single thing and become specialist on asking for better management of the money we are taking away from and by government leaders a.k.a. politicians.
How we can demand a better investment of our efforts from the ruler politicians, I will start by suggesting the simplest way show at their offices and rest there your concerns, following up by showing up at meetings where decisions are being made to spend your money. You might choose to be apathetic and think that you do not have time for that. Around 40% of all your income, in your apathy, you are allowing it to be dispersed without your supervision. If you think you can trust politicians, think twice, they have proved untrustworthy except from the money they garner from your pockets.
Better than?
Let’s start by each individual. If you are satisfied with your medical care and medical prevention, then look no further.
If you are not satisfied, you must learn what others are doing this planet. This earth has 5 billion plus people, it means, we are a mere drop in the bucket and other developed countries must be doing something else, and if we believe the way we measure others, we rank below the 20th in care providing and far lower in healthy kid development, with a very low ranking in new birth survival, this is an indicator of how poor a society is acting upon its whole medical system.
If you are satisfied with the prospects of your education, look no further.
If you are not satisfied, and if you think that importing PhDs from abroad is the fountain of youth for the system, think twice. Brain-draining from other countries has evolved into brain loss at home. If we import people as we import cars, we continue to pay a price for purposes not all good for the good of citizens and weakening our educational system. Keeping education far away and weaken responsibilities during formation years of the family is a disastrous choice. Responsibility and coordination and constant higher goals need to be re-instated if we want to recoup the loose of ground of the past 10 years. The competition that is emerging from abroad is so large that is giving chills to the most severe.
You might be satisfied with the roads you drive. If that case you deserve mediocre roads and will miss to improve using a mediocre transportations system.
If you think that there is no better. You might want to drive around in another developed country to see is you are satisfied with the streets and roads around you.
As oil continues to grow in pricing, the cities and towns infrastructure of oil dependence will eventually prove to be obsolete and inefficient. With the present small spike on costs it is already showing signs of poor competitive capacity.
If you think that hugging trees is some malaise, well stay that way, but the price you will pay for thinking that way will be impossible to come up in the near future, and the signs are all over to be encounter.
As we continue to deny the ecology its right. The weather changes will continue this path of warming the planet. Until, we realize the solutions are difficult, to stop global warming is going to be an effort that is proving to test humans as the case in England is showing signs of impossibility.
Many countries are serious about saving the earth, some people are building the will to fight against earth destroyers. That approach is not an enhancing event for us who with less than 5% of the earth population we are using 25% of all its resources.
If you think the war in Iraq is an example of good planning, honesty, giving example of doing good and resolution. Then you must skip this one.
We must think of wars as temporary choices, the war in Iraq is proving to be an awful choice and no one is paying the price of poor or neglected decisions, Iraq is proving to be the most outrageous case of fraud. No only, from its purpose to carry out an action, but from the economic point, riddled of fraudulent and outright pilfering of funds, with already American officials arrested for fraud.
If you think that the largest military spender and powerful is also the most organized and resolute to support its citizens at home in case of disaster, then skip the subject of the latest related weather events.
The disasters of the latest weather related events in the Gulf of Mexico are proving damaging to the global economy, and more severely to the local economies around the United States. Moreover, the image that has project around the globe is of a half developed almost third world country dealing with large amounts of poverty in face of natural disaster that scientist have warmed for decades.
If you think the cost of living is low and getting lower, please move to the next subject.
High price of commodities from natural gas, gasoline, plastics, wood to water and many other vital elements for economic growth will eventually test the power of the system. The private banking system and its Federal Reserve policies are showing signs of serious weakening. This week the Federal Reserve raised rates again, at mist of the cutting of 10% of all gasoline production and inflation showing signs of creeping at very fast speed where most people will start to feel the pain.
We have yet to address the fact that foreign buyers of American debt and trade deficits are at historic levels, thus, worrying many decision makers.
What is a social storm! The ignorant will be absent from asserting a better tomorrow.
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