1) If energy costs are at record highs and energy is costing you more than 40% than last year…..fast…….who is the Secretary of Energy? In other words, do you really care what are they doing to you energy bill?
2) Nearly 99% of locals taxes have increased in the past seven years, the excuse used by municipalities and the states are consistent with "federal taxes were re-allocated sending less to local coffers." If your local taxes increase but your federal taxes declined. Do you know if your total tax bill increased of declined or stayed the same?
3) Do you know how long and how much will cost the country to invest in terminating the dependence on foreign energy?
4) Do you know how much you and your kids owe every month to the Communist Government of China?
5) Do you know the US world ranking on children mortality rate?
6) We all know that we invented the modern internet “malgrais” Al Gore. Could you tell where the US global rank is on broadband deployment?
7) Could place in other of most corrupt to least country to do business of the following: Hong Kong, Canada, USA, Finland, Singapore
If you get the seven right:
Congratulations!!!!! You really know your place in this planet
If you get 4 to six right: I am very impress…..keep it up to get them all right next round.
If you get one to three right: You can do better you have interst but not enough
If you do not get any one right: Go Get a life and read a little more and not Harry Potter or Fox News talk shows....Seriously
A) Samuel Bodman In case you decided he needs to hear from you, send him your thoughts @
B) A national review on taxes by the IRS asserts that most people had a tax increase of 11% in the past seven years as of Jan 2005. www.irs.gov
C) Experts and various universities lead by MIT have run models and believed that it will take less than 20 years to become totally independent of foreign energy and the cost will be null. Actually, it could create an average of $145 billion a year profits to Americans, and generate around five to seven million new jobs. All we need, it will be the re-allocation of expenditures and sweetheart tax breaks on the present federal budget.
If peolple demadn from their elected official a moon kind of project to be directed to the purpose of energy independence, the whole global economy will thrive as never seen before.
D) Each American is paying around $84 a month to the Chinese in the interest and principal.
The Communist Government of China is buying an average of $480 million dollars a month of American debt for the past fifteen years. www.fed.gov
Most of this debt is being incurr during the Bush 43 adminsitration.
E) The US ranks 42 below Cuba and other quality countries.
Based on the CIA fact book http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html
In the first three years of the Bush administration, the United States dropped from 4th to 13th place in global rankings of broadband Internet usage. Today, most U.S. homes can access only "basic" broadband, among the slowest, most expensive, and least reliable in the developed world, and the United States has fallen even further behind in mobile-phone-based Internet access. The lag is arguably the result of the Bush administration's failure to make a priority of developing these networks. In fact, the United States is the only industrialized state without an explicit national policy for promoting broadband.
H) The answer is USA, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore, Finland.
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