The present prevalent intended behavior of ignoring the obvious is as much ideological, hypocritical, arrogant, abusive, ignorant as it is an exercise of self-denying reality.
Those who intend their behavior to ignore the obvious usually are driven by short term greed with corrupt moral guidance.
Those who acknowledge the obvious, they should bring their energy to the front at first, we all must try to educate deniers of the obvious to the reality of the obvious.
Second, if the effort is futile we must defy their ignorance by imposing the reality in front of them by using rational means.
This could mean participating in local dialogue with elected officials, writing letters to news papers or even taking the courageous step to run for any elected office.
The obvious today is the research results of weather change and its consequences.
When Warren Buffet starts to postulate weather change as a rational variable to increase liability insurance rates, then, we better start paying attention.
Warren Buffet’s action and insurers, in top of the thousand of researchers that are raising the flags on weather change warnings, it is something we must stop be indifferent, and take positive and serious actions to change our present path and act on the recommendations of experts, but we cannot stand still and continue this route if we want to have an livable planet as legacy for our future generations.
Anyone with kids should start to take the responsibility of leaving a better earth to the next generation. A better hearth than they encountered, but it seems that this is not going to happen if the apathy we are experiencing in the subject is not addressed.
The consequences of weather change and ignorance are starting to be too obvious to ignore as hurricane Katrina proved in the Mississippi and Alabama, or the heat wave in France that killed 12,000 two years ago, or the Monsoon patterns of past years that are killing thousands every year, or the long rain patterns in areas that are too populated to be safe to reside, and societies are not really to confront human disasters.
We might think the news of glaziers melting, might not have clear impact on us today, but they do. We might think that change on concentration of pollutants from the US, China and India are not changing heat air patterns and destroying defenses for sun heating pattern in the soil. Scientists are crying out loud saying these patterns changes are dangerously serious and very real.
I am not sure if all the negative and doom and gloom is as hard and bad as it is stated.
I know one thing, scientists are the ones who have made their lives to study this planet, and most of us only hold biased opinions and we are not the ones to be debating the science presented with overwhelming data. If erring in the side of prudence has made great leaders, our present leaders denying the obvious on weather change are plain cowards by walking away of their responsibilities and the future generations for not acting with prudence and pro-actively addressing the necessary changes to bring earth back to balance.
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