The latest award winning idiotic behavior comes from an irresistible out loud clamor opposing the deal, by a foreign company holding trust from the UAE, controlling the ports operations in three major US cities.
This hypocritical posturing is the most idiotic behavior posed by politicos, media and other irrational morons in a long while.
Let’s start by looking at the radical and biased news reporting that emanates from FoxNews. Coincidentally, Fox News parent company News Corp happens to have as majority share-owner a corporation named Kingdom Holding Company. This holding company is led by Prince Alwaleed Bin Tabal, an articulate and brilliant individual who runs the Saudi Royal family trust. At the same time Fox has become the number one media outlet of disinformation, dispersing lies, baseless commentary, ran by a radical right wing apologist, and with a corporate parent manager named Rupert Murdoch, who is an expert at democracy manipulation and election media intoxication.
Kingdom Holdings also is the largest shareowner in Citibank. By now we all know that Andrew Weil, was “asked to retire” as CEO because his runs with regulators and the large sums of fines accumulated by its operation and other penalties. Among the things that brought such fiasco to Citi where: allowing Citibank to launder dirty money of drug trafficking from Mexico’s Carlos Salinas de Gortari ,former president of Mexico, who is personal friend of Robert Rubin –Present Chairman of Citibank and secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton- and great friend of the Bush family as their are friends and "brothers" with the Royal family of Saudi Arabia.
Today Carlos Salinas de Gortari is exiled in Ireland and has a vacation home in Dubai. The list of irregularities at Citibank is so long that it took two truck loads to move the files with evidence of misbehavior. The latest nightmares for Citi are around the on going investigation of Pinochet, Argentinian president LaRua laundering charges of public money under "advice" of Citi or the Osama Bin-laden family bank accounts. If you worry who moves containers in which port, better start to worry about who allows the money to move around to finance the deals.
Other mundane things Kingdom Holding are involved include, luxury Hotels as the Four Seasons, hey, leave no bed unmade in your way to Washington, the Plaza Hotel in NYC, Samba Financial Group the largest financial group in SA or the grandiose Hotel George V in Paris.
So why the present attack to the UAE and not Saudi Arabia?
It is a convenient attack falling in the lap of the President. Moreover, it is an attack based on racism and islamophia, this is not far away from other phobic behavior and biases used to twist politics and the herd’s brains. The illegal Mexican border crossing, of latest headliners, events that for 200 years were accepted as common, got a reprieve thanks to the infatuation of the "media" with the gaffe of the UAE.
In the kingdoms of idiocy the herds move in sync.
You can blame it on the President and his crony plutocrats with absolutist behavior but do not forget to put most of the blame in the Congressional crowd on election day, who were the ones who started all this sell-off, from the fascists driven republicans to the reactionary right wing democrats.
Attacking the sale-off to foreign companies of key strategic operations is old news and misplaced after so many years of foreign ownership of key assets.
"Dud" all these things go against the Party of Davos.
It is difficult to resist all this enjoyment thanks to the Kingdom of Idiocy.
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