Monday, December 26, 2011

One More Year, Lower Illusions

Since my last post, politicians keep doing their damage and keep fighting to the podium that awards the price of who is more conservative and destructive to America.
Bankers keep their robbers inside their combination safe and those who do not fit inside where sent to be employed in government posts.
Working people have lost another 3.5% of income, but the top 1% has gained 4.7%.
The level of employment has been nil, mostly the statistical reporting continues to "cook and bake" the data to make it look "decent", albeit its indecency.
Elected officials continue to borrow like drunk sailors, and the tea party goers seem to have stop drinking tea but keep enjoying their fallacies and delusions.
Obama has proven to himself a failure, he now admits he could become a one-termer president. He understands his lauded promises turned out so far to be nothing, empty rhetoric like his predecessor, proven to be "same old, same old", in fact it seems many now think president Obama has managed to improve his predecessor incompetence.
Two books appeared this year with the same title "Aftershock" one from former secretary of labor Mr. Reich and the other by economists Wiedemer's brothers, both worth reading.
Overall nothing has change.
If there is one book for your 2012 list consider Prof. Jeffrey Sachs latest "The Price of Civilization" he does not take a political stance, the book is a wake-up call via in-depth analysis of the state of the country, offering solutions to complex problems.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Creation of Lawless People

Every time a law takes effect a behavior or action becomes forbidden and penalized.

We have forgotten that laws are not the solution to bad behaviors or bad actors.
Good education and direct responsibility are components of a respectful and evolving society, that intents to be better tomorrow that it is today.
Among the many human deficiencies is the deviation of greed one of the most dangerous character flaw.
It does seem greed it is one deficiency in character that it has become impossible to teach, or we have become callous about the need to be corrected.

It is interesting that most religions have some form of fix for character flaws.
One fix for this fault in most religions is a form of the following core statement:
"don't do unto others what you don't want do to you"

The amazing part about religions forming such thought, as a core thought, is the important part that takes place as an allegiance to the group.
If the religious groups will concentrate in following that simple idea and act upon it, greed will be eliminated.
Thus, due to the society present situation it will be fair to say that religions have fail most people. The consequences of covering-up and clouding arguments around the core, justifying what is convenient to justify, does not comply with such core believe. It is understood in all religions that it is the spirit of the letter what matters not the letter itself.
Today, it has become the most common approach to justify why is difficult to accomplish religious core believes.
The fact is that it is not easy to be a good faithful believer; the disturbing part is that no effort is been put in getting near the thought or the education that takes to be a believer of core believes.
More effort is put in justifying why "Thou should not kill" is better to be debated with its present caveats than its initial intent of respect for all life.

When money enters the process it seems that believers lose sight and money surpass all core believes, bulk majority set aside the core ideas of their believe in favor of greed for money. Money and its justifications has corrupted their religious believe system.
At present time, we are incapable of handling money without corrupting their own believe thought process.
Thus let's the conversation be not about convenient caveats but about the spirit of the letter.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Here We Go!

Up, down and here we go again.

The financial system is proven to be corrupted at its core, anywhere you look there is deception and government intervention to support with tax payers money institutions that are unwilling to confront their own inefficacies and misplaced purpose.
It is not that we do not know how to fix it. It is the greed of policy makers that is not allowing laws and decisions to correct the deficiencies of the financial system to be put in place.
Here the danger is the continues build up of wealth inequality. While tax payers get stripped of the assets to be directed to those int eh financial industry, the industry leaders continue to collect obscene amount of money for false and poor performance. Here is were the board of directors have proven to be allies of the problem, all regulatory entities have failed to take steps to put investors as owners with direct or indirect power to control corporate leaders abuses and deceptive practices driven (now clear) to self enrichment and failing their corporate duties.

As of late we have learn that Mr. Bernanke is an expert at tracking equities, and he values equities values as meter of his performance. See ABC interview last week.

Thanks to free cash provided to financial institutions, institutions that should be allowed to fail, the carry trade allowed by the fed and the treasury department is creating a monster of leverage.
If the Lehman and Bear Hedge funds collapse were the trigger of the past round of financial ineptitude, the present carry trade and governments push to create inflation has the potential to create the mother of all financial disasters. As they continue to deceit the rest of us, their assymetric knowledge is not as superior as they think.