Friday, January 18, 2008

Liars and the Liars Den

As I watched Secretary Paulson today describe the present economic crisis, I said to myself, he is not only full of it, but he was lying beyond the acceptable level for the last six months.
What is the difference today versus six months ago.
Simple, six months ago it was a sotto vocce agreement among big bankers that all involved will find ways to pump and dump their mess into the global markets.
What they -by they I meand The Fed, banks and politicos- have encounter is a disproportionate abuse of trust and greed that goes beyong any one acceptable actitude. This is the result of a corrupt set of values that assume that you can foul the people all the time. They might be right but th truth is catching up with them, but most people are not swilling to hold them accountable for thir lack of values.
This recession now is starting to evolve, some think we might find a worse situation going forward.
The facts all indicate that the US has lost its economic supremacy, and its social supremacy, and the only supremacy left is the military supremacy, and to conitunue this supremacy, it must generate enough business, as of today is not generating enough business to sustain the large expenditures to mantain such large amount of dollars need it to keep going in debt to levels that taxes cannot mantain.

Unless policy makers decide tocome up with a major shift in the economic paradigm. For example a shift in energy generation, we are so far behind in the solar and wind generation technology, that by implementing a national R&D ten year plan, to regaign leadeship in technology and energy it will be extremely difficult to compete in standard industry development with China, India and in the twenty years with Africa.

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